Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Tools needed:
1.    PC running Windows Operating System (OS)
2.    DevC++ (installed)

Turn on the PC and log into it using your student account information.

The information and concepts discussed in this lab manual are in sufficient detail but are still not exhaustive. It is assumed that all these concepts are already taught to you in your ITC theory class.

1.    Repetition Control Structures or Loops
Whenever we need to do any task repetitively, we use loops. There are 3 types of loops used in C++ -- while loop, for loop and do-while loop.

while loop:
The structure of a while loop is:

   body of the loop

where the expression provides an entry condition to the loop, i.e., the loop will be executed only when the expression evaluates to true. Once the body of the loop is executed, the expression is checked again and if it evaluates to true the body of the loop is executed again. This evaluation of the expression and execution of body of the loop continues until the expression evaluates to false after which the code next to the body of the loop executes.

Each execution of the body of the loop is called an iteration.

If expression always evaluates to true, such a loop is known as an infinite loop.

A while loop is usually one of the four main types:

i) Counter-Controlled while loop:
When we wish a while loop to execute or iterate N number of times, we use the expression to test a counter variable value against N and increment the counter each times the body of loop executes.

counter = 0;
while(counter < N)
   body of the loop

Example 1:
Find average of 10 positive numbers entered by the user.

float num, sum = 0;
int i = 0;
while(i++< 10)
   cin >> num;
   sum += num;
cout << "Ave = " << sum/10 << endl;

ii) Sentinel-Controlled while loop:
When we do not know how many times to run a loop but we know that the last entry wll be a special value, called a sentinel, then we make our expression check that sentinel value to decide when to stop a loop. In such a case we must read one value before the while loop so that we have a valid value to test against the sentinel value.

cin >> variable;
while(variable != sentinel)
   body of the loop
   cin >> variable;

Example 2:
Find average of positive numbers entered by the user until the user enters -1.

float num, sum = 0;
int count = 0;
cin >> num;
while(num != -1)
   sum += num;
   count ++;
   cin >> num;
cout << "Ave = " << sum/count<< endl;

iii) Flag-Controlled while loop:

Sometimes neither do we know the number of times to run a loop nor is there any sentinel value present in the data to check for. However, there may a condition which if true will signal the loop to stop. In this case, use a bool variable as a flag to indicate when that condition has occurred so that the next time the loop is not executed.
isFound = false;
   body of the loop
         isFound = true;
   remaining body of the loop

Example 3:
Find average of first 10 positive even numbers entered by the user where the user may continue entering both even and odd numbers. Display the average after the required number of positive even numbers (i.e. 10) has been entered.

int num, sum = 0; //even and odd is linked to integers
int count = 0;
bool NumReached= false;
   cin >> num;
   if (num>=0 && num%2==0) {
         sum += num;
   if(count == 10)
         NumReached= true;
cout << "Ave = " <<static_cast<float>(sum)/count<< endl;

for loop:
A while loop can be used for any task that requires repetition. However, C++ often provides optimized ways of writing code structures that are encountered very often by programmers. A for loop is such an example. A for loop is just a specialized form of writing a counter-controlled while loop.

for(initial statement; expression; update statement)
   body of the loop

The initial statement is executed only once before the for loop is entered.
The expression is just like the expression in while loop which is evaluated and if true the body of the loop is executed.
The update statement is executed at the end of each iteration.

For example, the following while loop code:

counter = 0;
while(counter < N)
   body of the loop

can be written as a for loop code as:

for(counter = 0; counter < N; counter++)
   body of the loop

Hence, for loop is ideally suited where the number of iterations are known. This does not mean it cannot be used in other situations.

Example 5 (Self Assessment):
Redo code for examples 1 - 4 replacing each while loop with a for loop.

For example 2 and 4, try to write code such that everything executes within the for loop without any body of statements!

do-while loop:
A do-while loop has the following syntax:

   body of the loop

Note the reserved word 'do' and the semicolon at the end of while(expression);.

In a do-while loop, the body of the loop is executed first and then expression is evaluated. If the expression evaluates to true, the body of the loop is executed again, else the loop is exited.

A do-while loop will be executed at least once, because contrary to while and for loops, a do-while loop does not have an entry condition rather an exit condition.

Example 6 (Self Assessment):
Redo code for examples 1 - 4 replacing while loop used in them with a do-while loop.

2.    break and continue statements
Remember the break statement in a switch-case structure. It provids an exit from switch structure. Similarly,break can be used to exit from a loop.

For example, instead of using a flag in a flag-controlled while loop:

bool flag = false;
   body of the loop
         flag = true;

consider the following while loop with a break statement to do the same job:

   body of the loop

Note the loop will iterate infinitely were it not for the conditional break which will terminate the loop.

The continue statement when used within a loop means that the remaining part of the body of the loop after the continue statement will be skipped and the next iteration started.

For example look at this odd use of the continue statement:
   body of the loop
When the expression evaluates to false, !expression is true and continue statement is executed, which immediately takes execution to the start of the loop body skipping the execution of break statement.
However, when expression evaluaes to true, !expression is false and continue statement is not executed and the break outside the body of if gets executed, which exits from the loop. Thus this code is akin to the previous two codes which used flag control and break statement.


Task # 1: Code file name lab6_1.cpp
Write a program that takes the the roll # (4-digits) and age (2-digits) of 5 students and display them accordingly. Do this using both the ‘while’ and ‘for’ loops.

With FOR loop when while loop is commented out

using namespace std;
int main()
          int roll;
          int age,i;
//        i=1;
//        while (i<=5)
          cout<<"Enter Roll no of Student: ";
          cout<<"Enter Age of Student: ";
          cout<<"Roll no of Student no "<<i<<" is :"<<roll<<endl;
          cout<<"Age of Student is : "<<age<<endl;
//        i++;
          return 0;

With WHILE loop when for loop is commented out
using namespace std;
int main()
          int roll;
          int age,i;
          while (i<=5)
          cout<<"Enter Roll no of Student: ";
          cout<<"Enter Age of Student: ";
          cout<<"Roll no of Student no "<<i<<" is :"<<roll<<endl;
          cout<<"Age of Student is : "<<age<<endl;
          return 0;

Task # 2: Code file name lab6_2.cpp
Write a program to receive 10 floating point values where each . If an entered value is not within the required range, ask the user to enter the value again. Show the sum after the 10th value has been entered correctly.

using namespace std;
int main()
          float num,sum=0;
          int i=1;
          cout<<"Enter Number "<<i<<":";
          if (num>=0 && num<=1)
                   cout<<endl<<"The number entered is not within specified Range ";
          cout<<"Try Again "<<endl;
    cout<<"The Total Sum is : "<<sum<<endl;
          return 0;

Task # 3: Code file name lab6_3.cpp
Calculate the power of a number without using cmath library functions. Power can be positive or negative integer. Take both the base (integer) and exponent (integer) as input from user.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
   int exp,base;
  cout<<"Enter Base Number : ";
   cout<<"Enter exponent : ";
  float a=base   ;
  if (exp==0)
            cout<<endl<<"The answer is:"<<1;
            for(int i=-1;i>exp;i--)
  cout<<endl<<"The answer is:"<<1/a;
 for(int i=1;i<exp;i++)
 cout<<endl<<"The answer is:"<<a;
   return 0;


Task # 4: Code file name lab6_4.cpp
Write a program for counting digits and displaying their total count at the end of the program. Output should look like as follow:

Counting Digits Program
Enter a number:12345789
Number of digits are:8
Program Terminated Successfully.

using namespace std;
int main()
            int num;
            int digit;
            cout<<"Counting Digits Program"<<endl;
            cout<<"Enter a number:";
    while (num!=0)
                        cout<<"Number of Digits are:"<<digit<<endl;
                        cout<<"Program Terminated Successfully."<<endl;
return 0;

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